India’s Eco-Champions

Eco System

Celebrating Earth Day with Top Environmentalists Leading the Way

Eco System

By Nona Walia

Our nine environmentalists stand as guardians of green, their collective efforts and resilience across the diverse landscapes of India have brought hope – to Save The Earth. This Earth Day and every day, their legacy inspires us to cherish and protect the natural world upon which all life depends.

From the bustling streets of Mumbai to the serene valleys of Uttarakhand, India’s environmentalist’s tireless efforts have inspired. They are Icons of Green Earth Movement.

At the forefront stands Rajendra Singh, affectionately known as the “Waterman of India.” His crusade to revive ancient water harvesting techniques has transformed barren lands into lush oases.

In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, Sumaira Abdulali raises her voice against urbanization, advocating for cleaner air, quieter streets, and healthier coastlines. Her relentless campaigns have sparked policy changes.

Venture into the verdant forests of Assam, and you’ll encounter Jaydev Payeng, the “Forest Man of India.” With unwavering dedication, he has single-handedly nurtured a barren sandbar into a thriving ecosystem.

In the realm of wildlife conservation, the name of Mike Pandey reigns supreme. Through his lens, he captures the beauty and fragility of India’s rich biodiversity, inspiring millions to protect and preserve the precious habitats.

Meanwhile, Medha Patkar stands as a beacon of hope for marginalized communities affected by large-scale development projects. Her grassroots activism and unwavering commitment to social justice have challenged the status quo.

As the sun sets over the Western Ghats, the melodies of Vasundhara Das echo through the hills, carrying with them a message of harmony and coexistence. Through her music and advocacy, she spreads awareness of the interconnectedness between humanity and nature, inspiring a new generation to tread lightly upon the earth.

In the corridors of power, Sunita Narain wields her influence as a formidable advocate for environmental policy reform. As the director of the Center for Science and Environment, she champions evidence-based solutions to pressing environmental challenges.

Amidst the concrete jungle of Delhi, Vandana Shiva cultivates seeds of resistance, defending the rights of farmers and indigenous communities against corporate greed and environmental degradation.

Meet Our Super 9 Eco-Warriors

1The Seed Crusader:  Vandana Shiva

Indian activist Vandana Shiva hugs a tre

Vandana Shiva is icon for biodiversity, clean water and seeds. She has tediously worked for agriculture and forests. Her journey began with the Chipko movement and she raised awareness against monocultures,  “From Chipko, I learned about biodiversity and biodiversity-based living economies; the protection of both has become my life’s mission. As I described in my book Monocultures of the Mind, the failure to understand biodiversity is the biggest problem. We must live green and aware lives. In your shopping trolley, add lesser processed foods. Buy diverse foods, don’t just buy aloo. When you eat organic, you are reducing your doctor’s bill. In your daily diet, you should try to be as organic as possible.”

She’s the founder of Navdanya, the movement for biodiversity conservation and organic farming.

2 – Bollywood’s Green Voice: Dia Mirza

Dia Mirza-NEW

An Activist with her heart in saving and preserving Earth.   She is WWF-India’s Earth Hour 2024 Goodwill Ambassador. This year, at the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) world’s highest-level decision making body on the environment, Dia was a strong voice for planting trees and avoiding pollution. She has been a strong advocate of sustainable lifestyle for years. “It’s our mission to save the Earth. We have a false idea of progress. I wish we could change this material, consumerist idea of growth to a more social and spiritual one ­ progress is about achieving well-being, having an economic and ecological balance. All social and economic development must be linked to ecological balance. The world will have healthier children with access to clean air, water, nutrition and education if we managed to achieve this balance. I’d want to change the sense of apathy in fellow humans. Most of us consume, waste, and live as if protecting nature isn’t our job. I want to change that apathy to concern and involvement.”

3 – Guardian of the Green: Sunita Narain


She’s a powerful futurist where environment management and protection is concerned. One of the strongest voice in the country to protect and conserve Earth and its resources.

She is a writer and environmentalist, she’s known as the most powerful activist and voice for change. In 2005, she was awarded the Padma Shri by the Indian government. She has also received the World Water Prize for her work on rainwater harvesting and for her political influence in developing paradigms for community water management. Time Magazine featured her as one of the 100 most influential people in the world for her advocacy on poor and the environment and climate change. In 2020, she was conferred the Edinburg medal for her leadership in championing climate justice for the poor and disenfranchised. “I have always voiced my concern for the environment, the big question is: can we develop without spoiling the Earth.” She’s been fighting against the air pollution. “The search for technologies and approaches to environmental management will have to recognise the need to do things differently, so that sustainable growth is affordable to all.

    4 – The Humble Activist: Medha Patkar

    Medha Patkar -1

    She is celebrated as a top environmentalist in India due to her unwavering commitment to social and environmental justice. Through her activism, she has tirelessly advocated for the rights of marginalized communities affected by large-scale development projects, particularly dams and displacement. Her leadership in the Narmada Bachao Andolan, a grassroots movement opposing the construction of dams on the Narmada River, highlighted the ecological and human costs of such projects, earning her national and international recognition. She actively engages in sustainable development initiatives, empowering communities to assert their rights and preserve their natural resources. Medha Patkar body of work in environment exemplifies a dynamic approach to sustainability.

      5 – Capturing Conservation Through His Lens: Mike Pandey

      Mike Pandey stands out as one of India’s foremost environmentalists, renowned for his pioneering work in wildlife conservation and environmental filmmaking. His ground-breaking documentaries, such as “The Last Migration” and “Shores of Silence: Whale Sharks in India,” have shed light on pressing environmental issues and got public awareness and action. Pandey’s dedication to wildlife preservation extends beyond filmmaking; he has been actively involved in conservation efforts, advocating for the protection of endangered species and their habitats. His impactful storytelling has not only brought attention to environmental challenges but has also inspired tangible conservation measures, making him a pivotal figure in India’s environmental landscape.

      Moreover, Pandey’s advocacy has transcended national borders, earning him global recognition like the Green Oscar Award and the Padma Shri, one of India’s highest civilian honours. His multifaceted approach to environmentalism, combining filmmaking, advocacy, and on-the-ground conservation efforts, underscores his status as a top environmentalist in India.

        6 – The Water Man: Rajendra Singh

        Rajendra Singh-new

        He is hailed as India’s top environmentalist for his transformative work in water conservation and community-led initiatives. Known as the “Waterman of India,” Singh’s pioneering efforts in reviving traditional water harvesting techniques have rejuvenated arid regions. Through his organization, Tarun Bharat Sangh, Singh has empowered local communities to take ownership of their water resources, fostering sustainable practices that promote both environmental resilience and social equity. His grassroots approach to water conservation has not only replenished depleted aquifers but has also empowered marginalized communities, catalysing socio-economic development while safeguarding the environment. Singh’s holistic vision and hands-on approach make him a towering figure in India’s environmental movement and an inspiration.

          7 – The Voice of Mumbai’s Environmental Revolution: Sumaira Abdulal

          Rajendra Singh-new

          She stands out as one of India’s top environmentalists due to her relentless advocacy for environmental justice and industrial pollution. As the founder of the NGO Awaaz Foundation, Abdulali has been at the forefront of campaigns to address noise pollution, air pollution, and coastal degradation in India’s bustling metropolis of Mumbai. Her grassroots activism has not only raised awareness about the detrimental effects of pollution on public health and well-being but has also led to tangible policy changes and enforcement measures to mitigate environmental harm.

          By bridging the gap between grassroots activism and legal advocacy, Sumaira Abdulali exemplifies a holistic approach to environmental stewardship, making her a leading voice in India’s environmental movement.

            8 – India’s Forest Man: Jadav Payeng

            Jaydev Payeng-new

            Jaydev Payeng is India’s top environmentalist for his remarkable dedication to reforestation and ecosystem restoration. Known as the “Forest Man of India,” Payeng single-handedly transformed a barren sandbar along the Brahmaputra River in Assam into a thriving forest ecosystem spanning over 1,360 acres. His decades-long endeavor to plant and nurture trees has not only revived biodiversity but has also mitigated soil erosion, restored water sources, and provided a habitat for numerous plant and animal species.

            His story serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that individual initiative and perseverance can have in environmental challenges.

              9 – A Melody for Nature: Vasundhara Das

              Vasundhara Das-1

              She sings to the trees and rivers. She sings to Earth. She sings to the mountains and landscapes. Meet singer Vasundhara Das known for her contributions to Indian cinema and music. Das has consistently advocated for sustainable living, environmental conservation, and social responsibility. She has been actively involved in various initiatives promoting eco-friendly practices, renewable energy adoption, and waste management. Vasundhara Das has earned recognition as a leading voice in India’s environmental movement, inspiring individuals and communities to embrace a more harmonious relationship with nature.

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